Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chapter 3 blog

The book states there are ten principles. The three I feel that are most important are Discovery principle, Critical and Active learning principle, and the Identity principle. I really feel it is important that students explore and figure out things on their own. It gives them a lot of confidence and assurance when they do it on their own. Critical and Active learning is really important for students. You always want them thinking critical about your content area. Keep them interested and always thinking about different aspects of the topic. Identity principle is very important too. Students need to figure out themselves as individuals, and form their own opinions of different subjects. Wikis and other interactive programs are a great way to give every student a voice. Some shy students would probably feel more comfortable communicating online. 

Simulations are very affective in classrooms. It relates to the discovery principle chapter 3 talks about. If I did a simulation in my classroom, I would do something that with biology. I would let them dissect an animal, and locate important organs. It is really hands on, and instead of seeing a picture in a book it would be right in front of them. It would really help them understand the anatomy of the animal better.

The principles I learned in chapter three are really essential for classrooms today. I know I will be sure to use online activites, hands on activities, and critical thinking. I really want to make my students not have to learn something, but want to learn it. 

Jonassen, D. Howland, J. Marra, R. M. Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Merrill Prentice Hill.

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