Thursday, September 16, 2010

Discussion 3 blog posting

The Inspiration video showed four different programs that students can use to help brainstorm, and enhance the learning experience. The teacher could use the maps and diagrams in the classroom to help keep the students attention.It also allows students to still be creative but able to absorb the knowledge they learn from visualizing. Inspiration technology is a great visual aid that can be used in the classroom.

I personally love the diagram program. It is such a great visual tool, and helps break the subject down. It will help the students visually learn. Using maps is also a good way to help students link concepts and ideas to each other. I also think it would be a great group project for students to put together. I personally believe that group projects helps students expand their idea concepts. Using these programs will help organize and clearly present the ideas teachers are trying to teach the students.

I think any four of the different programs can help the students and be very useful in the classroom. It is a great visual aid tool, and it would help engage the students in the lesson.Our goal as a teacher should be to help each student learn to their bet abilities. Using technology programs like these can help tremendously.

Jonassen D., Howland J., Marra R. M., & Crismond D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Inspiration Quick Tour website.

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