Friday, September 24, 2010


I think spreadsheets can be very helpful in the classrooms. Spreadsheets really have many uses to them. We learned the other day that you can create matching worksheets, web worksheets, time-lines, keep track of grades and do calculations for you. Spreadsheets are simple to use once you get use to them. They help keep everything organized and a great tool that every teacher should use. I will definitely be using spreadsheets in my classroom.

In the book it tells us there are three primary functions in using a spreadsheet. You use them for storing, calculating, and presenting information. There are a lot of advantages in using spreadsheets. I think the main ones would be how easy it is to use, how it does all the calculations for you, and how it keeps you organized. The easier a program is the faster the teachers can get their responsibilities done. The way it can do the calculation for you is just awesome! I know it is a pain to sit there and add each individual students' grades up then average them and enter it all in the computer. It is just so time consuming.

I think spreadsheets are really helpful to teachers. They could also help show facts to students. I personally think the time-lines are so fast and easy to make using a spreadsheet, and will come in handy when I start teaching.

Jonassen, D. H. (2008). Modeling with Technologies, Meaningful Learning With Technology, (Third Edition ed.).88-89, Columbus, OH: Pearson Prentice Hall.


  1. Great response on the spreadsheets, we agreed on alot of points about the excel. I do believe that it is more reliable than a calculator is for teachers to calculate and get students grades.

  2. I agree with you that spreadsheets can be a very useful tool not only for the teachers but for the students in the classrooms as well. It should be taught in all classrooms.
